• ***
  • Email only 9-11 (M-F)
  • Phone calls 1:30-3:30 (Making and receiving) (M-F)
  • Email only 3:30-4:30 (M-F)
  • ***
  • When will you not hear back from me?
  • Weekends--I need to take these back for my family
  • During non-office hour times (I am grading or in meetings)
Students are researching, in groups of three, one of the 17 U.N. Sustainable Development Goals outlined in 2015. Each group of three must further divide their research into the international, national, and local/regional areas of impact for the particular goal they chose. 

Initial research should begin with the U.N. Goals website and provided links, but each student will have a list of 10 annotated sources by Thursday's class that pertain to their topic and their area of influence (local, national, global). At least HALF of those sources should be from sources other than the U.N. website.

This should be the ONLY goal of class on Tuesday, and any subsequent homework. My expectation is that the Annotated Bibliography is complete on Thursday at the beginning of class, though students may need to print in class, if they don't have access to a printer. 

This assignment WILL be submitted to turnitin.com, so be wary of sharing too much of your work.