Today is one of the last days for test prep. Please have
students pull out the practice essays they wrote last class. Each student also
needs a green, spiral-bound rubric. They will exchange papers twice, and grade
each other with the rubric. They will list the scores, in order, at the top of
the essay, underneath the student “grader’s” initials like so: JT
Row 1 -4
Row 2 -6
Row 3- 6
Row 4-4
When they have read
two essays, all essays should be turned in to the Period 1 basket at the front
of the room. Each essay will have 2 sets of scores on the top.
Students need to get in groups of 2-3 (I have 5 copies of
each task). Give students 20-25 min to read through/discuss the test materials
and the two student responses (one HIGH, one MEDIUM, according to the AP
Board). Ideally they will read through all three example “Part B” tests, but
their discussion of the responses and how that corresponds to the RUBRIC is the
most important outcome.
5-10 min before the end of the period, pass out the Excerpt from the “Crisis of
Confidence” speech and ask them to write a practice response for Part A of the
EOC. The 3 questions are posted HERE—they can begin this task in class, if there is time. Otherwise it is
homework. I will collect their answers for points on Monday.