Lesson for Tuesday, Feb. 11
You have completed your IRR (informative essays) for your group research question. You should have a printed copy for class today. Get in your groups, if you aren’t already seated together, and thoroughly read each of the 3 other IRRs from your group. Make editing comments, as you read, but your primary job today is to fully understand all 4 lenses for your research question.
When you have read all 4, groups should fill out the worksheet that will help you move from individual research to group thesis/solution (posted). Do not turn this in until Thursday.
Next, use the SPSE outline (posted) to begin developing their presentation. The SPSE outline is merely an example, but it is a decent model of how your group argumentative presentation might be organized. Each group needs an initial outline of what to include completed by the end of the period. We will work on the actual slides/presentation next class, after reviewing previous student presentations.