• ***
  • Email only 9-11 (M-F)
  • Phone calls 1:30-3:30 (Making and receiving) (M-F)
  • Email only 3:30-4:30 (M-F)
  • ***
  • When will you not hear back from me?
  • Weekends--I need to take these back for my family
  • During non-office hour times (I am grading or in meetings)
Today is Rough Draft day for your IRR! Your goal is to get feedback on your neutrality, the variety of sources, the synthesis (are the experts in conversation, or merely sectioned off as subtopics?), and the organizational flow.
After peer feedback you will create a reverse-outline from your draft to double check that you have not missed any crucial pieces of information in your own line of reasoning as you explain this topic through your chosen lens.

It is also FOOD DAY. :)