• ***
  • Email only 9-11 (M-F)
  • Phone calls 1:30-3:30 (Making and receiving) (M-F)
  • Email only 3:30-4:30 (M-F)
  • ***
  • When will you not hear back from me?
  • Weekends--I need to take these back for my family
  • During non-office hour times (I am grading or in meetings)
For our review the last week before finals, the topic you need to find articles or other information about is censorship of entertainment. This may mean you bring a list of banned books, or the law regarding what is considered inappropriate content, articles discussing controversies, etc. Bring one article, cartoon, law, list, or whatever for MONDAY, January 13.

We will be practicing more blending, but also working on signposting. I have posted 2 handouts (I will print them for class) on signposting.

Remember, the final on Tuesday, Jan. 21 is a practice essay in the style of the End-of-course-exam (EOC), part B.