• ***
  • Email only 9-11 (M-F)
  • Phone calls 1:30-3:30 (Making and receiving) (M-F)
  • Email only 3:30-4:30 (M-F)
  • ***
  • When will you not hear back from me?
  • Weekends--I need to take these back for my family
  • During non-office hour times (I am grading or in meetings)
You have "reports" due on 4-16 and 4-23. Please complete the self-edit assignments that are listed on the right and email me at the end of each week. I got MOST of your emails by Friday last week--thanks. The rest of you will be hearing from me....
Don't skimp on this process. It is an important step.

Some of you may be wondering how class differs for you if you are not taking the AP test. The biggest difference is that I actually grade your IRR and your IWA, based on the AP rubric and the grade goes in the gradebook. Students taking the AP test will see that score come from the AP Board in July.