• ***
  • Email only 9-11 (M-F)
  • Phone calls 1:30-3:30 (Making and receiving) (M-F)
  • Email only 3:30-4:30 (M-F)
  • ***
  • When will you not hear back from me?
  • Weekends--I need to take these back for my family
  • During non-office hour times (I am grading or in meetings)

Your tentative thesis is DUE tomorrow, March 17th. Submit your thesis via email to Mrs. Evans by 4pm to be considered “on-time.” This is one day later than the original due date. I will provide feedback on grammar only. You should use your classmates, via shared google docs, to get additional feedback.
You should be marking up articles (on paper or online—your choice, just make sure you are actually marking them up, selecting quotes AND creating commentary/connections between ideas). I will ask for your 2 best examples to be submitted (take pics with your phone and email them to me) by Friday, March 20.
There will be no assignments during the originally scheduled break, but since the AP Board has not, at this time, postponed any AP coursework or tests, we will continue to make progress as if we were in building. Therefore, your argumentative paper OUTLINE is due March 30th, along with your Initial Bibliography (completely and properly formatted for MLA or APA). Again, submit this via email.
Your 2000 word completed rough draft will be due on Thursday, April 2nd. Submit it to my email, regardless of what our circumstances are. I will start a group googledoc to handle peer edits at that time, if needed.
Further assignments are to be determined. Plan as if you are giving presentations in mid-April.